Sunday, September 6, 2015

Colorful Life: Aug 31 - Sept 6

Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love. 
Jn. 13:1

I was crabby this week. There are people at work who rub me the wrong way. My husband makes innocent comments that get under my skin. The wearying cycle of being a toddler-mama wears holes in my patience. People disappoint.

These things are probably true in your life too. 

But the truer parts of life are the brighter parts.

The parts that reflect joy and contentment, beauty and laughter, refreshment and satisfaction. These are the parts that reflect the ultimate Reality, the unspoiled bliss that will one day entirely characterize our lives.

The frustrations and annoyances we face now are real, but temporary. The happinesses we experience now are real, and are just a taste of what's to come.

In both cases - the irritating days and the relaxing ones - the reality of life goes on behind what we think we see. My heart might sour after a particular phone call in the office, but it's not the fault of the person at the other end of the line (even though I think it is). My heart might soar while lying on the lawn in the last of the summer sun, but it's not a joy I could have the power to initiate.

The hours that drive me mad reveal a heart that cares more for my comfort than for the needs of others. And the hours that bring contentment reveal the heart of a Father who chooses to bless me despite my mixed-up priorities.

I'm raising a little boy who's watching my reactions, learning from me what to think about the good moments and the bad ones. I hope that I can model to him the importance of the bright and good things we're given, and the insignificance of the frustrations in our paths.
In fact, maybe he will model it to me. His excitement at seeing a bunch of bananas or hearing a train demonstrates an attitude that is quick to see blessings. And the fact that he hasn't even noticed yet that his polar bear toy is missing shows me that maybe I don't need to worry so much about it either.

We're waking up every day in a world that will bring small irritations and huge disappointments. But we also wake up into a world filled to the very brim with bright joys.

Grateful this week for: 
a shipment of textbooks
magnolia tree shade
second cups of coffee
a borrowed book
Real Simple magazine
hand-me-down lampshade
hand-me-down houseplant
Henry's love of looking at books

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