Sunday, August 9, 2015

Things I'll Never Do: Aug 3 - 9

Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.
Ps. 128:1-2

Somewhere there's a list of things you think you won't ever do. But sooner or later, maybe when you're not even looking, those good intentions get tossed out with the dishwater and you find yourself doing the things you thought you were too good for.

Like right there - I ended a sentence with a preposition.

At some point, I stopped making my own cream bases for recipes and started buying cream of chicken soup again. That beige-yellow slop that I so detested as a new wife. And I don't even buy Campbell's; I get the generic brand. Don't tell my former self.

I let Henry pick tomatoes - green, red, it didn't matter - while I weeded the patio. He displayed his collection with pride in a mini juice bottle. Letting all the tomatoes ripen to perfection matters a lot less than giving a one-year-old twenty minutes of blissful harvesting.

We've let Henry develop a liking for vintage musicals on VHS. So far, The Music Man is his favorite.

Perfectionists like me don't like admitting to lowering our standards. But the shared admissions of our imperfections is what connects ordinary people to one another. Maybe you let your toddler watch musicals too. If you can't shake loose every so often and stoop to something you'd hoped was below you, you're missing a lot of great opportunities for humility.

Grateful this week for: 
fresh peaches
thrifted treasures
cocoa butter lotion
hair dryer
Pete bringing Henry to our room every morning when he wakes up
my "new" cleaning tote bag
our new grocery store
vintage stepstool
the smell of morning in late summer


  1. Love the thankful just remembering to be thankful again and let the former stuff go...

  2. A big one for us was letting a TV back into our home just to have some sanity.
    That and stopping at McDonalds sometimes for chicken nuggets.
    I blame the kids for lowering my standards while simultaneously help me to gain practical wisdom.
