Sunday, March 22, 2015

Just a Little Emotional: Mar 16 - 22

My eyes fail, looking for your promise; I say "When will you comfort me?"
They almost wiped me from the earth, but I have not forsaken your precepts. 
Ps. 119:82, 87
I had a hard time with this week's verses (Ps. 119:81-88) until I put them in the context of my brothers and sisters around the globe whose physical lives are at risk daily as a result of their faith. Considering this passage in that light helped me know how to better pray for these dear people.

So far this week... 
Car: Inspected
Scones: Baked
Budget spreadsheet: Updated
Boxes of thrift store items: Dropped off
Emails: Sent
Stamps: Purchased
Gardens: Raked

Floors: Not vaccumed
Bank: Not visited
Buttons: Not bought
Doctor's office: Not called
Taxes: Not started

My life is lists and schedules and checkmarks this week. Nothing urgent or earth-shattering, just getting through the days.

Every week will only be about lists and checkmarks unless I focus on something more eternally meaningful. All my weeks will blur together in an aimless dotted line of phone calls, errands, purchases, chores, and appointments unless I preempt the day's To Do List with a more important list. Have I prayed for people I love? Have I resisted - even just once - the temptation to say something unkind? Have I reminded myself of the message of the gospel and of the salvation that was bought for me? If I can remember these things, put them on my list, make them a priority for my time and my thoughts, I will have weeks that build, one on the next on the next, bringing me slowly closer to the holiness I'm asked to pursue.

First day of Spring today.

This was Tuesday.

This was today.

You wouldn't know it, but winter is officially over and wonderful springtime has come. As you might have guessed, we had early dismissals again today so Pete left with me at 12 and drove me to pick up Henry. I was very glad he did because the drive was horrible. We did make a stop for free Rita's, though. The first day of spring is the first day of spring, snowstorm or no snowstorm.

Blogged a few recipes today over at Dinner in Parkerford.  Check it out over the next few days for waffle, tilapia, and chicken recipes!

"To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken," says C. S. Lewis. We have deeply loved a couple who said goodbye today. A pastor and his wife, who had become a dear pair of friends, leave this week for a new life five states away. And tonight our hearts are broken.

Yes, there is facebook and email and instagram. And yes, of course there is heaven. But sharing this life with someone - learning, being inspired, being changed - is different. Hearing a voice, seeing a smile, sharing a meal, learning to sew, furiously copying down words of a sermon, asking for a recipe, praying together, swapping baby advice... these things are precious. And now these things are gone.

I have said goodbye to dear friends before. I know that life goes on. Our friends will find new friends. We will find ways to patch the gaping holes they've left behind. It is not often that friends stay in your life for a lifetime and though we are sad tonight, we are so grateful for the years we had to share with them.

Goodbye, beloved friends. We will pray you all the way to Alabama... and maybe one day, back to Pennsylvania again.

Grateful this week for: 
borrowed van
warm sun on skin
new stamps
bathtime tickles
Be Thou My Vision

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